Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The scale is only half the story

So, just wrapped up the Eat. Live. Be. challenge at Milestone Crossfit. It was a 2 month challenge (Oct. 6-Dec. 3)  in which I completed my first Whole30 program (which actually ended up being more like a Whole40 due to a gift box full of Tiff's Treats that were totally worth it!), and added an additional CrossFit session a week (so, 3 times a week now).

It started out with a benchmark workout - the Spartan 300.

25-minute cutoff. The first go - I got through about 26 of the KB clean & jerks. 2 months later? Finished ALL 300 reps in 23:26.

We also had a body composition analysis done with hydrostatic testing by Body Fat Test. Beginning measurement had my weight at 124.7 pounds, and 22.6% body fat, which is average. From where I started, "average" is pretty darn awesome. But - the final analysis - weight was (drumroll please!) 124.9 pounds. That's right. .2 lbs. MORE. Here's the awesome part - my body fat percentage dropped to 20.6% - which is HEALTHY. I actually lost 3 pounds of fat, but I replaced it with 3 pounds of MUSCLE! That's right. I have muscle!

It doesn't end here. I'm on a roll - I feel better than I ever have. For the first time ever, I also feel like I know what to eat to fuel my body. I have more confidence because I know what I'm capable of, and that I'm capable of even more than that!

So - the moral to the story is don't listen to the scale. Use it as a gauge, sure, but it's not the whole story. My clothes fit better (actually, some are too big!), and I can see muscle definition in my abs and arms, and maybe some in my legs. And, again, I feel better. Lighter, even. So, maybe the scale is only a quarter of the story. Not even half. Hmmm...

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