Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Because I just want to sleep for 10 more minutes

I need to figure out a way to make the snooze button a little harder to activate. It's tooooooo easy. Maybe electrical shock? Hmmm...surely there's an app for that!

Even though it would have been lovely to hit the snooze one more time, I got up at 4:30 a.m., got dressed and headed out for Milestone. The WOD was a doozy today! It didn't seem like it would be as hard as it was at first glance, but, holy shmoly!

For the SWOD, I did supine ring rows - using a box! First time, and that is a lot harder than it looks! I scaled the squat cleans, too. 55 lbs. I did 35 lbs last week, and felt then that I could go heavier. So I did. I got to the 1st rep of 9 (the last round) when time expired. Not too shabby.

I think I'm getting better at talking myself OUT of my excuses. It gets so easy to let the excuse take over, and I always regret it when it does. That feeling of regret is what I need to remember when the excuses start to try to take over. I AM stronger than my excuses! :)